VPN Permissions

Note that for security purposes, once a VPN connection is set up at both ends of two Islands, VPN permissions for all users, groups, and devices are initially disabled by default. Permissions must be granted on each end to control which devices, users, or groups on that end may access devices on the other end of the VPN; specifically, permissions must be granted only to those who will make outbound connections. So, granting permissions is the final step to completing a VPN set up. Luckily, granting permissions is simple.

Screen 1
: In the remote-Island app, select a user, group, or device to be granted permission, bring up their dedicated screen, and click on the VPN tile with the key icon.
Screen 2: Choose the desired VPN from those listed, toggle to the “enable” position, and click Save.
Screen 3: Return to the dedicated screen for that user; the VPN tile will show the name of the VPN(s) for which access is now allowed.


VPN Connection Types


Organizing Users and Groups