Customize Notifications

Change Default Flag Colors to Avoid Over-notification

Island notification levels are set by default, and you may not want to mess with them. But if you prefer to see fewer notifications, you can easily reduce the number by toggling the flag icon between red, blue, and white (to clear). Open the Notifications panel and click on the gear icon, labeled Set up notifications, to get to the change screen.

If for example, monitoring New devices joining the network is not critical to you, you may change the flag to blue to capture only timestamps for New devices that come online, or toggle to white to clear New device notifications altogether. Likewise, if you don’t need to see offline/online notifications for most of your devices, you can clear the flag (leaving it white) on the Device notifications setup screen, and then go to any specific device that you do want to monitor and set the red or blue flag for that device.

Customizing Notifications

You can set up customized notifications to be alerted to events that are critically important to running your household or small business.

Flags can be set on a once-and-forget basis for continual monitoring, such as:

  • Red flag the fax/printer in your home office, so you know asap if it ever goes offline

  • Red flag the baby monitor if it attempts to contact any threat-ware site (the Island Protection category)

And, you can also customize a notification to use for a temporary period, such as:

  • Blue flag a sprinkler controller that has been going on and offline frequently, to get a timestamped history for troubleshooting

  • Red flag the user Johnny if he is online for longer than 30 minutes from the time you set

Sample Customized Notifications Step for Set-up

Example 1: Red flag user Uncle Bob if he browses to a gambling site while he is visiting

  • Click on Users

  • Select Uncle Bob

  • Click on the notification flag, followed by the <gear> icon to Set up Notifications

  • Select Categories

  • Select Mature Content (the screen will expand to show all subcategories)

  • Next to the subcategory Gambling, toggle the flag to red

  • Click on the orange check at the bottom of the page to save

Example 2: Red flag the baby monitor against hacking

  • Click on Devices

  • Click on “Identified” devices

  • Click on Emma’s Monitor <show with baby buggy icon>

  • Click on the notification flag, followed by the <gear> icon to Set up Notifications

  • Select Categories

  • Click on Island Protection (the screen will expand to show all subcategories)

  • Click on NOTIFY ALL (all flags next to the subcategories will become red)

  • Click on the orange check at the bottom of the page to save

Example 3: Red flag Johnny if online for more than 30 minutes from the time you set

  • Click on Users

  • Click on Johnny

  • Click on the notification flag, followed by the <gear> icon to Set up Notifications

  • Click on Time

  • Choose Online, fill in 30 minutes, choose during the current Day

  • Click on the orange check at the bottom of the page to save


Domain Name System (DNS) Options in Island


Viewing Notifications