
Notification Basics: The Flag Icon, Levels, Types, and Defaults

Island’s app gives you a real-time, bird’s eye view of your network. If anything is critically amiss, you want to know about it right away. Or, you might just want to have logged, informational notifications available to review when convenient. For both purposes, an important indicator sits in the upper right corner of certain screens, the notification flag.

The Flag Icon

The white flag in the app bar is the notification icon. The flag may be overlayed with a counter, which is a circle with a number in it, as follows:

  • If there are no new notifications since last viewed, no counter circle will appear.

  • If there are new critical notifications, a red circle with the number of critical notifications in it will appear.

  • If there are new tracking notifications, a blue circle with the respective number of notifications will appear—if “include tracking” is enabled.

Notification Levels: Red or Blue

There are two levels of notifications, red and blue. Island’s notification levels are easy to change later, but first consider the defaults that come pre-set for every Island.

Signals critical events that you want to know about immediately.

Default pre-sets:

  • New devices that join the network

  • A network interface issue

  • Temperature of the Island unit is too high

  • Disk space is low

  • Memory issue

  • CPU issue

Signals tracking events that are simply informational, but for which you want a timestamped record.

Default pres-sets:

  • All identified devices when they go offline or come online

  • All users when they go offline or come online

  • All groups when they go offline or come online

  • A network interface when it goes offline or comes online

  • The login PIN is changed

  • The firmware version of Island has been automatically update

  • A login attempt has failed

Configuring Notifications:

To see all notification types, click on the home screen flag icon, opening the Notifications panel.

Click on the gear icon to the right.

The gear icon opens the list of all entities and events to which notifications can apply. There are seven items:

Click on the down arrow next to any item to view the list of events that can trigger a notification associated with that item.

For more information on configuring notifications, see:

  • How to View Notifications

  • How to Manage or Customize Notifications


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